play for orange
Play for Orange is a fundraising and awareness program to provide funds and resources to help young people diagnosed with Leukemia Cancer.

Play for Orange is a fundraising and awareness program for childhood Leukemia Cancer. Orange is the color for the most commonly known cancer dealing with children which is Leukemia.
We help High School basketball players (girls and boys) use the game of basketball as a platform through a series of events for a cure. Currently Play for Orange has the two events in motion Holiday Hoopsgiving and The Southeastern All-Star Classic . These events help fund research in early detection and screening for Leukemia Cancer in kids.
Our hope is to raise awareness for Leukemia cancer and to account research to help the thousands of children diagnosed with the disease. We support medical research and direct patient care programs that comfort the financial, social and psychological burdens of low income families working with the Aflac Cancer Center and Blood Disorders Service.
our mission
Is to partner with other brands that want to help these athletes raise awareness and provide funds and resources to help create as many benefits as possible for those for youth diagnosed with Leukemia and their families.